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eNAV SYSTEMS is a design company that specializes in providing propulsion and green energy solutions for boats: electric and hybrid engines, hydro-generation, photovoltaic or wind power production

We equip different types of boats: pleasure or racing sailboats, motorboats, charteryatchs, passenger boats, workboats, dinghies.

We design electric or hybrid motor solutions by choosing the best of the current technology in order to offer optimal navigation performances and comfort on board. We select our suppliers among the best brands.

We are constantly looking for emerging technologies and we can guarantee their reliability. Sturdiness and performance are at the heart of our quality approach.

An electric motor on a sailboat is much more than just an ecological alternative, it gives more comfort on board and much more pleasure to sail in silence, without vibration and without uncomfortable smells.

Sources of renewable energies are plentiful on a boat at sea: the wind, sun, and water for hydro generation. Why not use them?
Nowadays, It is possible to sail around the world non-stop without a drop of diesel and much faster than on any diesel boat, so there is probably a solution for your boat.

bandeau bateau

Rediscover the pleasure of sailing by improving your comfort and performance

We want to help the nautical industry, and pleasure boating in particular, in the transition to being more ecological.


We have chosen our partners among the leading manufacturers of electric or hybrid motor solutions because it offers many advantages :

  • These are solutions used all over the world by millions of people ;
  • The guarantee that you will be able to find accessories and consumables wherever you are ;
  • We benefit from continuous innovation and feedback from world leaders.



Hello Alberto,
Hello Michel,
Michel Nave director of E-NAV SystemsBefore presenting your company, tell us about your entrepreneurial adventure, about your career ?

Michel Nave : After a career in the field of consultancy, I wanted to give a new direction to my professional life and combine it with my passion for sailing.
Having already a professional certificate of skipper, I created a small company of boat delivery and sale of products and services in the nautical field in 2017.

alberto-estivillAlberto Estivill : At 12 years old, I took my first steps on a sailboat with the marine scouts, then, at 16 years old, I started a professional career in the National Navy. At 23, I left the army, resumed my studies in electronics, then I joined the last French company manufacturing electronic cards.
In 2000, I changed direction completely, I ended up in the nautical industry; I got a job as the manager of a workshop in the Bénéteau concession. I took the opportunity to get my Captain 200 skipper diploma and to be able to sail different types of boats and give sailing classes.

What is ENAV Systems ?

M.N. We are a design office that specializes in providing propulsion and green energy solutions for boats: electric and hybrid motors, electric hydro-generation, photovoltaic or wind power generation etc.
We equip different types of boats: pleasure or racing sailboats, motor boats, charteryatchs, passenger boats, workboats, dinghies etc.

Why create a company like ENAV Systems ?

M.N. Like almost every (or every) sailing enthusiast, I am particularly sensitive to everything related to nature and the environment, and in particular the sea.
My personal long and multiple trips by sailboat or by ferry made me realize that the impact of this activity on our environment is far from being neutral. This led me to think about it and propose technological solutions in line with the values conveyed by sailing and nautism, and in particular its relationship to nature and sea life.
This is now possible thanks to the huge advances in electrical and electronic technology.

A.E. I met Michel when he was doing some maintenance work on his boat. So we started to talk about sailing, the sea and about other technical things. Very quickly, we found out we agreed about how using the sea, the wind and the speed of the boat to produce our own energy would be great.

The ideal is a global and coherent system where all the parts are able to communicate with each other.

M.N. ENAV Systems is in a way, putting together our professional careers, our common technical ideas and our values as a sailor at your service.

The idea of ENAV Systems is to combine the analysis and installation of electric/hybrid motors. Why did you add consulting to your technical business ?

A.E. Quite simply, because the goal is not only to install an electric motor, the point is to offer you a complete solution. Everything must be homogeneous and coherent. Thus the solution should be simple and easy to use for the customer. Rather than an installation made up of several complementary or non-complementary solutions, the analysis makes it possible to offer a complete and simple solution.

M.N. The transition to electric boats for the customer is a complete shift of paradigm after all these years using fossil fuels. The client does not have many references and needs to be accompanied from the genesis to the completion of his project and all are different.

What makes ENAV Systems different ?

A.E. Our global approach to the management of the energy and the motor with our complementary experiences.

We guarantee you the contact between the different suppliers during the design and installation and provide the first level of support. The customer will only have one point of contact, which makes things much easier.

How do you project ENAV Systems in the future ?

M.N. I think there is a great opportunity for development in the nautical world as well as on land. I am even convinced that the transition to electric has even more reasons to be in the nautical sector than in the automobile. We are only at the beginning.

We would like to develop our company by improving our geographical coverage and by integrating additional R&D skills in the near future.

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