Electric motorization for work boats

The electric motor is perfectly suited for small work boats used in marinas, harbours, lakes, beaches, natural areas… for surveillance, assistance or teaching.

Indeed, often used at low rpm with these boats, the fuel-powered outboard engine suffers a lot. In addition, noise and pollution bother boaters and wildlife alike.
However, the torque available immediately on an electric motor brings comfort and safety to users. And, its lower consumption at low speed combined with a fleet of lithium batteries offer the necessary autonomy.

We have created in collaboration with the naval architecture firm Œuvres Vives, a sturdy, practical, safe and ecological boat design: The VALKYRIE BOAT.

bateau de travail à moteur électrique VALKYRIE BOAT bateau de travail à moteur électrique VALKYRIE BOAT
bateau de travail à moteur électrique VALKYRIE BOAT electric motor work boat VALKYRIE BOAT


100% electric or hybrid

  • Length : 6.483 m
  • Width : 2.5 m
  • Draft of the boat (without engine) : 235 mm
  • Electric motor : 11 KW  or  2 x 11 KW
  • Deck load : 600 Kg
  • Professional approval : Véritas Bureau
  • Construction material : aluminium

Several other configurations are possible outboard or inboard.

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    Electric / Hybrid installations and nautical propulsion systems

    PuissanceImmediate power
    Moteur silencieuxNo noise
    énergie proporeCreate your own energy
    Batterie moteur électrique48V system
    Aucun émission de CO2 ou CarburantZero emission
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