We have tried to put together the main questions that have been asked during our conferences and or our first discussions with our clients.
For more advice, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Are your electric systems reliable ?

An electric motorization system is made up of several subsystems
• Les moteurs électriques
Un moteur électrique est bien plus fiable qu’un moteur thermique car il y a beaucoup moins de pièces en mouvement et en frottement. C’est une technologie qui est maîtrisée depuis très longtemps.
• Les batteries
Les batteries Lithium on fait preuve de leur fiabilité dans l’automobile et dans l’industrie. Leur durée de vie est supérieure à 10 ans.
• La gestion de l’énergie
Les éléments (chargeurs, convertisseurs, contrôleurs …) sont issus dans grandes marques du marché comme Victron qui garantie 5 ans ses produits.
• Les groupes électrogènes
Ils sont utilisés depuis très longtemps dans le BTP, l’industrie, les unités de productions autonomes d’électricité, les hôpitaux où la fiabilité est le maître mot.
• Les panneaux solaires
Nous proposons la marque SUNBEAM qui garantit son matériel 5 ans.

How long is your system’s warranty ?

We use the legal guarantee of our partners :
A titre indicatif (hors utilisation professionnelle)
• OCEANVOLT : 2 ans (extension possible à 5 ans)
• VALENCE : 2 ans
• FISCHER PANDA : 2 ans ou 1000 heures
• SUNBEAN : 5 ans

What type of electric motors do you offer ?

All the motors that we offer are synchronous motors with electronic commutation and permanent magnets in 48 volts. These technologies are known for being the most efficient > 95%
Find out more about motors

Can I put an OCEANVOLT electric motor on the new boat that I want to buy ?

OCEANVOLT works with several shipyards around the world. We are in constant contact with the main manufacturers, do not hesitate to consult with us in order for us to expose your project to them.
Most of our projects have been requested by our clients.

Can I replace my old diesel motor with an electric motor ?

Yes, it is completely possible to change a diesel motor in Sail Drive or shaft line. Our motors adapt perfectly to the supports of internal combustion engine manufacturers.

What is a hybrid system ?

There are 2 types of hybrid motors systems
• With a generator set :
The boat is powered by an electric motor powered by batteries. They are charged by hydro -generation, solar panels and a power generator when the reserves are exhausted. The switch is done automatically and is easy for the user.
As a general rule, we adapt the dimensions of the generator in order to be able to maintain the same cruising speed only with its input. It should be noted that this configuration (generator +electric motor) is more efficient than a diesel motor. Many big boats have used this kind of configuration for a long time. Besides, its sound insulation (cocoon) makes it very discreet.
• With a Diesel motor for a boat equipped with 2 motors :
The boat is powered by an electric motor powered by batteries. They are charged by hydro generation and solar panels. When the reserves are low, the Diesel motor takes over. Therefore we use the energy that was not used by the motor in order to make the propeller turn and thus recharge the batteries. We use a solution called Integral for this, which is much more efficient than the alternator of an internal combustion engine.
In fact, the boats of our clients equipped with a hybrid motor reduce their fuel energy requirements by 80% on average.

What batteries are compatible ?

We recommend 3 types of batteries depending on the configuration :
CLEANTRON NMC Batteries for a 100% electric use because they are very light (175 Wh per kg) so it is possible to put more on board which increases the capacity ;
• VALENCE’s LIFEPO batteries for a hybrid usage because they accept higher loads than NMCs ;
• AGM batteries for small powers because of their lower cost.
See the article about the batteries in our blog

Can I choose my battery supplier ?

Yes up to 8 kWh. beyond that, the high amperages need further monitoring of the entire system. It requires communication protocols that are specific to the manufacturer of the motors.

Can an electric motor supply enough power for my boat ?

From the first stage of a project, we calculate the power necessary to move the boat at the speed wanted based on the strength characteristics and resistance of the vessel. It is possible that the top speed is lower than with a Diesel engine of similar power, but the electric motor will offer a better passage in heavy seas and headwinds thanks to its higher torque.
See article 1CV/KW in the blog

What is the autonomy of an electric powered boat with a single charge ?

It depends mostly on the speed desired and the battery pack. As a general rule, we conceive them for 4 to 10 hours of sailing at 5 kts.

Can I be autonomous with hydro generation and solar panels ?

A fast and light boat that will quickly be under sail can be self sufficient thanks to hydro generation and solar panels. If necessary, it is always possible to take a small portable generator set for safety. Slower boats need a hybrid solution with a generator ;
Find out more about hydro generation
Find out more about solar panels

How are the batteries charged, do I need a special plug ?

The batteries are recharged by hydro generation, solar panels with the possible contribution of a generator. You can recharge them with the plug at the dock.

How much time will it take to recharge at the dock ?

That depends largely on the power supplied at the dock (often less than 3kW) and the power of the charger: Power (W) = Current (A) x Voltage (V)
A 48V/50A charger will provide a charging power of 2.4 kW;
A 48V/15A charger will provide a charging power of 0.720 kW;
So a battery of 2,4 kWh will take around 1 hour to recharge with a 2.4 kWh charger.

What is the lifespan of Lithium batteries ?

Properly maintained and protected by a BMS, lithium batteries can last 10 years. The standard warranty is 2 years and can be extended to 5 years.
Find out more about the batteries

How much will the system weigh ?

The entire motor + battery is lighter than its diesel version with its tank and a little bit heavier with a generator.
Example for a 15 kW motor in sail drive (30 CV/40CV):
OCEANVOLT SD15 motor: 65 kgs
+ 15KWH NMC batteries: 90 kgs

Would I still need an auxiliary battery ?

Yes, because most of the consumption on board (electronics, windlass, etc ) work on 12 or 24 volts. You can however reduce their size because they will be continuously recharged by the 48 volts engine battery pack thanks to a 48/12 or 48/24 converter.

Are lithium batteries safe ?

Yes. The big brands have developed a high performance protection system. They are also the subject of numerous certifications before being placed on the market.

Are Lithium batteries more polluting than Diesel ?

No: Lithium batteries do have a small impact on the environment, but the results are much more favorable when you compare electric with an internal combustion engine. 90% of its environmental impact is due to its manufacturing. 0% during use and 10% during recycling. In general, the results are very positive after 2 years of use since they last more than 10 years.
For more information see our article on electric motors, batteries and environment on our blog.

Does the hydro generation function create a drag slowing the boat ?

It is insignificant, around 0.2 kts at a speed of 7 kts.

Can the battery pack be divided and installed in different places ?

We advise you to place the pack in a fixed place in order to preserve the balance of the batteries but you can install 2 packs if you have two motors. They can be placed in a place that allows you to have a better balance of the boat.

How does the after sales service work ?

• Level 1
All of our systems are equipped with a diagnostic tool that will continuously monitor all the components (motor, chargers, batteries, solar panels, generator etc.) In case something is not working good, an alert system will allow you to identify the problem which could be then solved by the owner (A 48 volts system does not require the presence of a qualified electrician).
• Level 2
The diagnosis tool can be accessed remotely by our technicians, which will in most cases allow us to fix the problem. If the problem is a defective part, the replacement can be done easily anywhere around the world by representatives of our partners (OCEANVOLT, VICTRON, FISCHER PANDA, etc) who have global networks.

Who takes care of the maintenance ?

The maintenance of an electric engine is definitely not the same as that of a Diesel engine, it will only take you a few hours a year: changing the anodes, draining the cooling system when there is one, changing the oil. You do not need a specialized technician.

Where are manufactured the systems that you sell ?

We prefer working with European companies: OCEANVOLT is located in Finland, VICTRON in the Netherlands, FISCHER PANDA in Germany, CLEANTRON in the Netherlands as well. We do not practice low cost supplies, in order to be able to guarantee the efficiency and the durability of our installations.
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