How to choose your converter/charger ?

The voltage converter charger is a device that transforms 12/24/48 V direct current into 220/230 V alternating current to supply your household and electronic devices and at the same time acts as a charger.

For the converter part

The converter has to be a Pur sinus which provides a stable current of the same quality as that of the source.

Which power to choose ?

The power in KW or KVA of the devices that you want to connect to it. Be careful to take into account the start up power, which can be superior to its operating power (induction plate, diving unit, watermaker, etc) Good converters have an operating power and a peak power that allows it to withstand the strong start up power.

Then you only have to identify the devices that will work at the same time !

By adding up the powers of the different devices you will find out the total power that you need, taking into account the efficiency depending on the temperature (See the technical sheet).

Finally, you will only have to choose the converter depending on the voltage of your batteries.

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How to read the VICTRON information ?

For a MultiPlus, there are 3 digits :

  • The first is voltage
  • The second is the power of the converter
  • The third is the charger amperage

For example: A 12/500/20 Multiplus is a Multiplus that converts 12 V to 220 for a power of 500 VA and a battery charger 12 V of 20 amp.

For a Quattro, there are 4 series of numbers :

  • The first is voltage
  • The second is the power of the converter
  • The third is the charger amperage
  • The fourth is the max current of the transfer switch

For example: The Quattro 12/3000/120-50/50 is therefore a combi-charger which transforms 12 DC into 220 AC to a power of 3000 VA, a charging current of 120 A and the transfer switch current is maximum of 50A.

For any question, contact us.

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